"A reason to fight. Somebody different. Difference creates dispute. Dispute is a reason to fight. Now, to fight is a reason to feel pain. Life is pain. So to fight with reason is to be alive with reason. Final analysis: To fight, a reason to live."
"I have to ask you something, why do u go out of your way to look like a bum?... "i look like a bum?"... well arent you simply rebelling against society? wouldnt it be more of an act of rebellion if you didnt spend so much time buying blue hair dye and goin out to get punky clothes, seems so petty. You want to be an individual, but you look like you are wearing a uniform, you look like a "Punk", thats not rebelling thats fashion....."then whats rebellion?".... Rebellion happens in the mind, you cant create it, you just.. are that way."
Mind power is everything, without a structured way to battle things, everything is complete chaos.. essentially anarchy. That is the last thing this countries society needs a completely mis-bent youth, well wake up America.. we turned out okay, but the youth of today are so far gone, i do not know if they are savable. In a society where ideals are skewed the youth will be skewed, the question is... can they be saved? can we salvage what youthful mind power we have in this country and make a difference. Well that all depends upon if people are going to wake up or not, and the time of the philosophers and great thinkers is over, now is the time of misdirection and power, so i do not see it happening anytime soon.
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