We as the people of America are losing or have more or less lost the framework within this country that the founders had laid out for us. One example today being the elects that people have voted to run for political offices, are not worthy of political candidacy. They show a lack of knowledge on actual problems and small understanding of the Constitution or the social norms that define american culture both in their respective districts and from a wider standpoint the United States itself. Candidates from lack of public interest are just kind of thrown into the race for something in the government and we expect them to do good? the public today seems like they do not care who they elect just that the government is worthless and that anyone will do, we are ignorant to believe we can make the country better. The people elect what the people are, an educated public is usually good one. The problem with wisdom today is that one must see through all the bull shit to see things clearly and between the media and hardship we as a country endured from the previous Bush administration the publics perspectives and views on this country have become negative. People are driven by things like greed, dishonesty but most of all ignorance. The Bush regime made us lose faith and we kind of let “the man win”. Issues currently haunting us are not talked about but ignored, and politicians make their own money and rules and no matter what people do the structure we were built on is crumbling and the “American” is becoming no more. The so called American dream came true for corporate America, but everybody else got kicked in the ass, so they could have the dream they wanted. Now we are stuck in almost a dead zone where this country is waiting for something to wake it up and show us all how to bring this country out of the darkness back into the light. Back to the prideful, sometimes arrogant, rich, poor or middle class people who all collaborated their own roles in society together to make this country today we call home.
United we stand, now isnt that ironic, a phrase we so often take for granted, if only it were that simple. Its crazy we now have this debate over whether separation of church and state was really part of the fabrication of this country, yes they are right its such a tedious thing, but the actual phrase separation of church and state does not appear in the Constitution. Hmm that’s odd well court rulings over the years have affirmed that this is exactly what the founders mention in the constitution. People also tend to forget that we were fighting for separation of church and state from Great Britain, now why would we contradict the very thing we were fighting? The problem that we are running into today is the growing sense of Socialism in our government. Everybody wants power with no consequences, well that is just not going to work out anymore. We have a internal civil war between the Democrats and the Republicans and I believe unless we can find a common ground of some sorts nothing is ever going to get done. The Democrats have great ideas but cannot act upon them and the Republicans are split as a party in general. The system is so skewed that a drastic change is needed for reform, the question is what? That question I cannot answer but what I will say is that if we do not get things going in the right direction we WILL have another civil war in this country on our hands, the rich Vs. the poor. Yes that’s right, the rich Vs. the poor because in our society today the middle class is dwindling and is merely nonexistent. In the long run if things are not changed we will become the countries we always seem to save, rundown, poor and uncontrolled to ultimately be taken under the wing of another country such as China. Now I don’t know about you but I am an American and refuse to be anything but that, only the people can fix the country, only the people ultimately control our fate.

“We have a lot of ordinary folk that need to wake up, and recognize the government is still in some degrees broken, the culture is in decay and we got to somehow have to galvanize what energy and hope we have to focus on poor and working people, this is the only way out.”
Dr. Cornel West
“The working people and the poor people, have been dealing with scapegoating, it looks as if the whole system is rigged and tilted towards the strong and then they look at the weak and say be responsible be responsible, the best of the weak have the accent of constructive energy the visionary energy, thats what we need in this
Dr. Cornel West